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Sun, 29 Apr 2007

Yet another successful boat trip.
This time Christy came with us. We met at Phil Foster park, and put the boat in the water without incident. It was pretty busy at the ramp today.

First we headed out the inlet and then south. There were some tricky moments on the way out that got Christy excited. We ran south to the Clarke beach, south of the Breakers. It was good, but not great. Then a detour out to some 50' water to practice free dives, and a run back up to the inlet. There was a regatta of some boats that looked like Lasers, but werent', right by the inlet. Rob successfully evaded all of them. Then we grilled out by Peanut Island.

We spent some time just sitting in the boat, and swimming around it. We put Christy out as trolling bait, but didn't catch anything.

Then we headed back to the ramp, loaded up the boat, and went home. Another good day on the boat.
posted at: 21:20 | permalink |