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Fri, 02 Jun 2006

We ran with the Slow Lazy Urban Thursday hash last night.
Or the SLUT hash for short. The start was in Decatur, not too far from our old house on Fantasy Lane. The hare was Mr. Mom, and I didn't get his co-hare's name. You can see him explaining the trail here, and the second photo is him with his co-hare. I didn't get a picture of Creepy Weird Dude (not his real hash name) who was hanging around, breathing through his mouth and generally weirding me out.

I also remebered this woman from the Wheelhopper hash on Sunday, but of course I didn't remember her name. But I do remember Humpty Dumpty, who has just moved down from the Chicago hash. We talked about all of the Chicago hashers I haven't seen for a while. And finally the GM, MC Hasher, and her sidekick Devo. Once nice thing about the SLUT hash is that they have good beer (and they better, for $7) and they bring it out before the run starts, which is a concept the other Atlanta hashs would do well to emulate.

We finally got started, and the first leg of the trail turned out to be really good. Lots of shiggy, thorns, and water crossings. We spent a lot of time at the beer stop, waiting (and waiting) on the back of the pack, who had somehow gotten the idea that trail was on North Decatur Rd, and had set off that way. Eventually they filtered in, some on foot, and some by car.

The second leg of trail was equally good, with possibly even more water crossings, shiggy, and fireflies. But by the time we got to the second beer stop it was 9:00 pm, and the pack was beginning to grumble about food and going to work the next day, and so on. MC Hasher consulted with Mr. Mom via cell phone(!) and Mr. Mom returned to the beer stop to lay a kinder, gentler, straighter, more paved trail to the end. Which was good. There was some excellent chicken, rice, and salad at the end. As well as more beer. The circle was nice, and low key.

Dr. Doo-doo was there, as was Bruce (or should I say "HIV"). And Gentrification displayed the singing Billy Bass fish he had found on trail. The fish sang "Take me to the river, drop me in the water", so someone threw it in the pool. Then we finally organized a vehicle relay back to the start. Somehow Creepy Weird Dude was able to get back to the start and to his car before anyone else. I can't figure out how he did that.

And here's the GPS track from the run. It was only about 3.5 miles, but it was a good one.

posted at: 06:03 | permalink |