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Fri, 10 Mar 2006

AI did a comeback trail Wednesday night.
I don't think he's done one for a while. It was out at 10 Ave N and Jog, so we all had to assume that he would be running through the mountain bike trails at Pinehurst. Well, you know what happens when you ass-u-me. Instead the trail went in the opposite direction, on some golf courses and parks, and eventually to a nice halfway in a parking lot next to a Red Lobster. We socialized and blew our whistles, and eventually everyone came in. Then we had an uneventful second half back to the cars, and a slow, methodical circle. Lots of old and new faces there (I counted 23 people). Virgin Chris was there, announcing he would be doing his naming trail soon. And NJF/C&P got a new name, but I forgot what it is. You can compare the prediction and the actual trail below, and see just how far off I was this week.

posted at: 07:24 | permalink |