Wed, 29 Mar 2006
We destroyed my handcrafted steel pistol target last weekend. I had previously chronicled making the target
here, but I never got around to posting what happened when we shot at it.
Here's a shot of the target in my back yard. We painted the plates white, so
we could see the impacts better. Once it dried we loaded everything up and
headed out to try the target. On the way I called Chris, because I knew he
had just gotten a Beretta 92 with laser sight, that he had not had a chance to
shoot yet. He was all for it, so we stopped by his place. Once we got to
the location, Rob slapped on a couple of stick-on targets. In the third
photo you can see the target with two black circles on it, to the left of the
washing machine. Chris got the Model 92 ready.
So the first thing that happened was that the stick-on targets blew right off
the steel plates. I guess they're meant to be stuck on paper targets where
the rounds pass right through, but in this case the fragmenting bullets just
blew the targets right off. The second thing that happened was that Rob began
blowing the heck out of the targes with his .44 magnum. And also the .357.
The 9 mm's that me and Chris were shooting didn't have too much effect on the
0.25 plate, but the .44's really put some divots in it.
Rob continued to punish the target with the .44. And me and Chris took a few
shots also. You can see the plates getting more and more warped in the next
three photos. I stopped taking photos, but eventually Rob shot the target to
pieces. First the welds holding the plates to the 1" schedule pipe arms failed,
and then welds holding the arms to the pivot tube were shot away. I have to
say that the penetration on the welds wasn't the greatest, and if I had spent
more time prepping and fitting them they would probably have lasted much
longer. The fourth photo is a close-up of one of the steel pipes. This was
a piece of high-pressure hydraulic line in its former life. It's approximately
1" in diameter, with a very thick wall (3/16"?). It had lots of dents, but
only one penetration.
Then we turned our attention to the washing machine. Those stick-on targets
worked just great on it. I think the sheet metal must flex enough, and not
provide much resistance to the bullets. These were the fancy targets that
turn green when you shoot them. You can see on the lower right target a nice
grouping of green dots. Anyway, a good time was had by all. I'll try to get
motivated enough to weld up some more targets for next time. What would be
really cool would be a pair of target frames, each with two or three hanging
targets. Then we could have an informal competition to see who could hit
three targets first.
posted at: 07:12 | permalink |