Mmmm, Gooey

I figured I'd look at the fuel system. Based on my previous experience with the jet ski I figured it would be full of goo. At least it was cleaner than the ski. The basic setup was the same, though. It had a gas tank, oil tank, fuel pump, carburetor, and possibly an injection oil pump. I couldn't see past the other stuff to see if it had an oil pump. This might be a good candidate for premix, anyway.
I drained the fuel tank into a bowl. I got a couple cups of gummy gas. Then I removed the plastic fuel tank. While I scrubbed it out, Rob amused himself by burning the old gasoline. The fuel tank came clean pretty easily, although I didn't get it completely cleaned out. The fuel line was mostly clogged, though, so I replaced it with some generic fuel line.
If I hadn't already seen one like it on the jet ski, I would never have known what the fuel pump was. It's a diaphragm-type pump, that is powered by pressure pulses from the crankcase. It looked pretty dirty on the outside.
I removed the sump/drain plug. There was a lot of goo in there, so I pulled the pump apart. I was careful with the diaphragm, since I figured I would be using it again, and I got it out undamaged. The inside of the pump had more goo, as well as some hard crusty gray stuff. I dropped the pieces in a can of carburetor cleaner for an hour, and they came out clean. I reassembled the fuel pump, and tested it by blowing into the diaphragm hose. It worked just fine.
Now it's the cleanest thing on the scooter.
Update: I have since learned/realized that what I thought was a fuel pump was simply a vacuum-actuated fuel cutoff. Normally the diaphragm blocks the fuel flow, but when vacuum is applied the diaphragm moves, and allows fuel to flow. I'm guessing this is a safety feature, so that when you crash the scooter (or simply lay it on its side) the fuel doesn't all drain out.

I didn't realize that it wasn't a fuel pump until some time after I wrote this, so you will see in the later chapters how this led me to some more wrong conclusions when trying to get the scooter started.
Read the next chapter here